From wikipedia:
The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour which makes the original false conception come 'true'. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.[1]
LOL...A reign of Error..
That ever happen to anyone, ever?
I am not pretty.
This can lead to things like allowing yourself to take no care in your appearance...To not bother to dress up. To never apply makeup, or to shlump around hunched over in the hopes that you will be 'invisible' and that no one will think you think too much of yourself. To dress yourself in shades of beige and navy and black to minimize your width or existence. To always buy pretty and beautiful things for others, but never yourself...noticing only your flaws and imperfections and never your better qualities.
Have you ever noticed that
A.) pretty (as a definition) is relative to each person.
Some people think paris hilton is beautiful...
And some people think she looks like a stick insect...
Some people think beyonce is beautiful...
and some people think she is too thick.
I saw lea Thompson this weekend.
The actress.
She was signing books at our px.
She looked like a 'normal' person.
I know a lot of guys who thought she was 'it'.
She looks like a soccer mom.
Except when she gets all duded up.
Then she looks 'pretty'.
I saw a prime example of this the other day.
I saw an overweight woman who had put a skirt and heels on...ala
Now Monique in Precious
Thinking you are or are not something is often a result of ignorance dealt out to you by others.
Perhaps someone had their own ideal of beauty and you weren't it.
Bully for them.
Be beautiful in your own way.
Another self fulfilling prophecy.
I am stupid.
Saying that to yourself is poisonious.
This will lead to all sorts of stupid behavior.
Like discounting your own opinion.
Letting others tell you how to live.
Letting others talk down to you.
Now the combination of these two is devestating and often leads to things like:
Staying with an abusive partner.
Thinking no one could possibly love you.
Thinking you 'get what you deserve'.
And it leads to creating a glass ceiling over your life where you tell yourself that this is as good as it gets, this is as far as you will go, and this is all you will ever be.
And you have (with help) essentially done this to YOURSELF.
By allowing the labels to stick.
So begin the relabeling process.
If God is a king.
You are a princess...
or a prince.
Don't forget it.
Chris out.