
3 years...one new life

Hello all...Today is three years since I began to weigh myself...my real three year anniversary is actually May 4th. I found a journal I wrote my first month on my diet. It was amazing and enlightening.  I ate around 1700 to 1800 the first month or two...my focus was really on counting the calories and exercising daily....

my favorite blurb....Was the day I wrote..."Two mile walk no longer difficult enough, will either have to make it longer or up the intensity."
This was two weeks after I wrote "walked 2.6 miles today...it was difficult but I did it."

Today I would think a 2.6 mile walk was incidental to daily activity.

I walked three miles yesterday and considered it fluffing off.

I wrote about how I felt..
I wrote about asserting myself in different situations where previously I wouldn't have...

It was very motivating.

It seems so long ago.
I am a different person.

I was working out today with a good friend..
She knew me back when I was obese.
She said "You are a totally different person, you never used to talk..you used to stay to yourself."

I did.

I get out there much more now.
I am really living.
I used to just hide inside my house..watch tv and eat.
Now I go to the gym....have friends and hobbies...activities...
While I might be afraid to try new things...I do it anyways.
I do know that at the top of each page I wrote...

One day Closer.

One day closer....and today I am here...
Do I want to lose more weight?
Will it change me as a person the same way that 110 pounds has?
This weight is incidental...it's cosmetic.
That weight was life changing.
It was more than a physical weight..
It was a wall and a blanket.
It was a comfort and a chain....
but it was a false comfort.
I let it go and now am so happy.
Letting go of the weight involved more than physical weight.
It was emotional weight that was weighing me down as well.
And I have truly let that go too.
Begin, go on and don't quit till you get to your destination.
Three years from now...where will you be..
You really do decide.


MargieAnne said...

Looking back can be truly encouraging.

You are right. The next pounds will not be life-changing in the same way but I think you are probably still in for some surprises.

The discipline required at this stage will have some impact. You look great and to keep losing weight now will be a special kind of challenge. I do look forward to the final result.


'Yellow Rose' Jasmine said...

Yes, you have certainly changed a great deal. As someone who found you a couple of years back and then went through and read every post, I found that I was amazed at how different your written 'voice' had become from the person who first started this blog.
You have done difficult things with class and integrity and even inspired others along the way. I'm not sure at what point you must have realized that you were affecting others in such a positive way and I for one am grateful for how you got me to take a hard look at my life and choose how I wanted to live it, even if the choices were not easy to make.
You deserve to enjoy this time and I am excited to see what will be coming next. I know that whatever you do, I'm certain it will affect others in a positive way.

Sharon said...

Chris, loved this post as I love all your posts! But this one resonated with its truth. I didn't lose as much weight as you (currently at 51 pounds lost with 7 to go), but the inner changes are much the same for all of us. The joy, self-confidence and courage to try new things are worth every calorie we DIDN'T eat! Keep blogging - you are an encouragement to many. Sharon

Joy said...

You have had such an amazing journey! Congrats on your 3 years anniversary. Keep up the great work and stay focused!

bbubblyb said...

big congrats on your 3 yrs Christine. You have changed your life but you've also touched so many others. I'm grateful to have found you every time I read one of your posts. Your words touch me like few others :) *big hug*

Cole Walter Mellon said...

Love this. I think the attitude shift is one of the most important, and least talked about, benefit of getting healthier. When you feel better (and feel better about how you look and feel), it propels you out into the world with new confidence and swagger.

We ARE different people these days. Yay for us.

Jo said...

Congrats on hanging in here for three years, Chris! Not only have you changed in a positive way in that time, you have encouraged others to dig deep inside for answers and truths. You have certainly influenced me in a positive way. Thank you for that. I hope you stay around for a looooong time.

Hanlie said...

This post actually brought tears to my eyes. I almost can't believe it's been three years. You have come so far, and you've done it in absolute style. What you have done for yourself is evident and amazing, but you may never fully appreciate what you've done for so many others, like myself. Thank you.

E. Jane said...

Congratulations, Chris! This has been an amazing journey, and you have been an inspiration for others. I have so enjoyed reading your blog, and I will continue to do so, as you continue your journey.

Mom to the Fourth Power said...

You've done fantastically. It's no small thing to change a life! I loved reading this post and I feel like I could have written it all myself. I love your energy and the wisdom you have. It is very motivational to read. :)

Take care!

carla said...

it is three years and a few days now :) BUT CONGRATS none the less.


Annalisa@Gracie'sGarden said...

I cherish every word written in this post. You are an inspiration. Thank you for your consistent positive outlook on life and weight loss. Yes, you are truly living, and I love how you set the example. It's not been an easy road for you, (very far from easy) but I envy your courage Chris. I truly do. Lots of love, God bless.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Chris. Are you okay out there? i don't know where you live in realtion to the fires.

