
For our Soldiers......

And their families...
In everlasting memory
*not mine...click link , but it expresses my feelings perfectly.


E. Jane said...

Very poignant, Christine--and full of truth. Bless them all...

It seems as though civilization should have come far enough that we don't have to resort to wars any more. It just seems too easy to send our young men and women off to fight and die. Each one who gave his or her life for us was a human being who loved and was loved and had a life that was a precious gift. They gave it up for all of us--bless them all!

Putz said...

i do not like war, but i do appreciate the soldiers out there

paulawannacracker said...

Hey Cris, just wanted to drop in to say hello and catch up on your blog. It's been a while.

I thought of your blog on Memorial Day---I knew you'd post a tribute to the men and woman out there protecting us.

Looking great.


Retta said...

Very touching. They deserve our respect, appreciation and remembrance.

Toyin O. said...

very nice, thanks for sharing.

Annalisa@Gracie'sGarden said...

Thank you Chris. This has been a very big topic this week in Australia. They're even having debates on whether to pull out of Afghanistan! Unreal. Don't think it will happen. But we have lost 3 soldiers this week. Let me put it in perspective: We have lost a total of 26 ever (in Afghanistan). So 3 in one week is a lot. So sad for all the military families who have gone through losing a family member in war. I support and appreciate all our soldiers in the American coalition. Thanks.