

Hey all,
How's it going...my irritability is on the wain thank goodness. In that kind of mood I might even punch a nun.
I have only eaten 1300 calories today...hmmm.
That means I have some left...
I went to the gym, and apparently the people there missed the sign that said "Chris's elliptical" cause they were all full.
So I got on the dreadmill. I did ten minutes...the first three were spent at 3.0 miles per hour...then I was like "I'm not feeling it."
So I went up to 3.4, 3.6, 3.8...walking still.
I thought,'if I am going to walk like this. Why not try Jogging a little.
So I did. For about five minutes.
I ended up going a half mile total.
Then I thought, If I am going to jog...I am doing it outside...(It was a balmy 48 degrees today.)
So out I went.
I did two more miles, walking quickly. The whole time I am on the track, I am pacing this 'chubby' army guy with taped knees who is jogging walking jogging.
So, during the last quarter...(He was a quarter way up the track) I thought I would pass him and 'beat him' He was doing a two milefitness test (that he was failing) and so was I.
I jogged, I really expected him to put some pep into his step, I mean what guy wants to get beat by a fat housewife in front of his whole platoon....
I passed him and 'won' by a quarter of a quarter
So, I beat an overweight army guy with bad knees WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!
We all have to start somewhere.
First I was ogled by a redneck...
then a month or so later, a halfway decent looking set of dudes yelled rude comments out the window of a pickup truck.
Who knows who I'll beat next...an old lady with a walker....a pregnant lady...
The choices are endless...
Well, hope you all were victorious today as well....
Your jogging blogger,


Amber said...

You never know...
Next time I bet you'll beat some one who is actually in shape.
Your doing great and looking great too.
You need to post a picture after the new year, it really shows! :)

I love my Christmas gift!!!!
Thank You.

Linda Pressman said...

Awesome, Chris. Isn't there some saying that every journey starts with a single footstep? Your fitness is showing. I was once so out of shape I couldn't demonstrate to my then-4-year-old what a hopscotch was for. Yet today (9 years older!) I got recognized at my exercise place for being there 200 times this year (80 at the other location) I changed, so can you.

Fat[free]Me said...

LOL, I always beat the snails these days!

I think you are doing great!

Hanlie said...

You are so funny! You go, girl!

MizFit said...

ogled by a redneck made me laugh
there is an entire country western song in this post somewhere...

karen@fitnessjourney said...

How dare someone get on your elliptical machine! But it was a blessing in disguise, you wouldn't have kicked the army guy's butt if you were on the elliptical. I don't know if I'll ever beat anyone at my gym at anything. The first time I went on a guest pass with my husband, I left saying, "I am the oldest, fattest and least attractive person in the place!"

Anonymous said...

You're a riot. But a win is a win, so be proud and keep whipping those army boys around.

Vagabonds Mercantile said...

Well I for one am proud of you. I won't even go to a gym.

Foodie Girl said...

Hey! At least you beat him to the finish line and not the last eclair at your favorite bakery. lol... kidding! Great job!

Leslie said...

I love having competitions with people "in my mind"! Also, I laughed at your sign saying "Chris' elliptical'. I get so annoyed when someone is on my favorite treadmill or elliptical...I wish we could put up a sign. Way to go with the running!

Unknown said...

Hi Chris, thank you for leaving your comment on my blog:


I'm glad I could make you laugh. I just read your post from today and think it's hilarious! I can't wait to read more.

Right now I'm afraid I couldn't beat anyone at anything....even an overweight army guy with bad knees. I know lots of rednecks and haven't been ogled by any of them in a long time....except my husband! (His claim...not mine!)

KrysTros said...

He might have been on profile? Who knows, I am dissapointed sometimes with the lack of leadership in some parts of the Army/units. It's not everyone but I always have higher hopes for my beloved home away from home.

So baby steps to beat slow lazy guy on the track, soon you will be doing 14 min 2 miles, woohoo! Or Hooah! Whichever you prefer :D

bbubblyb said...

Way to go on beating the guy!!! Thanks for the laugh too.

Salina Lyn said...

LOL! Hahahaha. That freakin' rocks! You're way too cool for me. :) Love it. Keep it up. :)

Unknown said...

A WIN's A WIN! :) Congrats on beating the Army dude! lol :) Keep up the great work!! Glad your mood is better...lol :)

Sevenbeads said...
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Sevenbeads said...

Dreadmill ... I love that!

Joanne said...

Good thing I am neither pregnant or use a walker - cause from the sounds of it you would knock me on my butt easily. Way to go!!!

Unknown said...

Way to go Chris! Taking it outside and taking the dude on as well!
You go girl!