
captain obvious is grim....

captain obvious would just like to pop in to say
You don't shoot people.

Not people you disagree with....
Not little people.
Not big people.
unarmed people.

Captain obvious says people who shoot people should be released into general population to fend for themselves.
ESPECIALLY people who shoot little people.
Captain obvious is sad and disappointed in people today and is going to sleep.
Chris will be back tomorrow...much less anemic and ready to kick some weight loss rear.
Have as good a day as possible.
obviously done.
Captain out....


Lanie said...

aye aye cap'n

Robin said...

This is very sad commentary on how some people are thinking. Or not thinking. You just don't solve anything by shooting people. Captain can't get any more obvious on this one.

Brenda said...

Captain Obvious' friend totally agrees. Giving extra love and hugs to my 9-year old, and praying for the parents of the little gal, as well as all those victims of this outrageous incident.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping there's something that ordinary people can do to help, and I'm keeping the shooter's family in my thoughts as well. They're going to be going through a world of hell for a long time over this also.

Sheilagh said...

Get rid of the guns PLEASE.

Christine said...

@ She...In all due respect...I have guns. I am a card carrying NRA member. I fully believe in the right to keep and bear arms. A gun didn't hop up today and take a trot down to the safeway to murder people. A sick, and deranged man did. With no moral compass, he would have bought a gun illegally if guns were illegal...He could have made a bomb ala tim mcveigh. It's the heart we need to fix. Not the gun laws.

The Fat Chick said...

If this was facebook I would a LIKE LIKE LIKE your last comment Chris. It's true. Guns are not the issue. People and what they do with the guns are the issue.

Patsy said...

Really cried this morning when I read about the 9-year-old girl.

Why can't people sort out grievances in a 'civilised' way?

Melissa said...

Amen to that. I was devastated for the families involved.
And amen to your comment. Guns are not the problem. Not to quote the cheesy, but "guns don't kill people...people kill people."

Anonymous said...

Agreed. What a shame.