
Going within for your own truth.

Hey all,
had a fine time at the anime convention...better than expected as a matter of fact.
will post pictures tomorrow..
Lately I seem to have 'rediscovered' my thinking button.
That is both Good and bad.

Good because my thinking has always kept me out of trouble.
Bad because sometimes it gets me into trouble.
Things that really anger me?
Well, lazy hyperbolic statements anger me.
on both sides of any issue.
I can argue both sides of any issue...because every issue has two sides.
issues do.
Are both sides equally valid?
Not always.
But sometimes we throw out the whole argument because most of it is irrelevant, when the little bit that went with it may have been a crucial bit.
Let's look at the ground zero mosque..
I know, you thought I had moved on...and I have for the most part.
It is legal.
It is a matter of the first amendment right of freedom of religion.

let's take the quran burning.
It's legal
It's a matter of first amendment right of freedom of speech.

in my opinion.
are in poor taste.
The main difference.
The Koran burning is temporary, the mosque is permanent.
Watching the same people come out on different sides of both issues screams hypocrisy to me.
Whichever side you are on.
I think neither thing should happen.
They are both in abominable taste.
Does anyone care what I think.
But they both speak about the mindset of the people involved.
A kind of blind insistence on 'having their say."
Irregardless of who they hurt.
I have learned in my years of experience *this is an inside family joke...
I have learned in my relatively short time on this planet...
that there is nothing to be gained
most of the time
On making sure people know that I have an opinion on their opinion.
This doesn't mean I don't have an opinion..
It just means I don't feel the need to express my unwanted opinion 99 percent of the time because it really has no bearing or relevance on that person's life.
For instance.
My older brother has some good qualities.
He also has some horrific qualities.
like being a white supremacist.
he's a fairly intelligent guy...where he came up with this...(prison I am guessing) is not important.
I couldn't disagree more.
Biting my tongue while he went on about things that I am diametrically opposed to...well,
that was painful.
but not as painful as having a falling out with someone who is terminally ill and dying.
I will not change his mind.
We have had 'discussions' in the past.
I have a thing for Jewish culture...I have been studying it for years.
It's beautiful, it's a beautiful thing.
Their focus on charity, education, and practical religion, the tanakh,...the mishnah (oral law)...there is so much we can take from it...
As a Christian, I find the study of the Jewish faith indispensable to informing my own faith.
without it, mine wouldn't exist.
My brother has received an earful from me about it on more than one occasion, he knows better than to bring it up to me, so we are quiet about it now. We talk about childhood now.
About hunting and fishing...anything but politics.
Anything other than worldview.
I know people who would say "You shouldn't have anything to do with him."
But I can't.
He is my brother.
That is one thing I don't compromise on, family.
my family.
I allow my truth to guide me.
The existence of other thought.
The existence of other opinion.
Does not bother me.
If someone asks an opinion I give it...
I think when you blog you are inherently opening yourself up to dissection and opinion.
It's a public forum open to public scrutiny.
When you give opinions, you get opinions.
Don't let it rattle you.
because an opinion is just that...an opinion.
it's not set in stone.
If you don't agree when someone shares, just let it go...water off a ducks back and all that.
Go within and find what YOU know is true.
Have a great Sunday.
I have decided to NOT blog on thursdays and saturdays.
I will be drawing those nights instead.
Have a great night guys.


J Rodney said...

I just saw the new photo you posted...you look fantastic!!! Congratulations on such a great weight loss!

FrugalMom from
The Fit & Frugal Challenge

Robin said...

The only thing missing in this blog was my name. I was waiting for it. Every other time it has taken me by surprise and I have been left gasping and sputtering. Today when I started reading I was half expecting it. I got to the end and nada. All I could think was what about HERE'S TO YOU THURSDAY? She better check and see if I dedicated her something b/c it gets time consuming leaving everyone messages.

Next thought: that was a kickbutt comment/reply on today's blog. I really couldn't have said it better. Standing O on that one.

Robin said...

Last thought: I am really glad you are pursuing your art and penciling it on specific days. Now, I am done.

The Traveler said...

Just found your blog. I am on a similar journey, but only 10 weeks in. Very inspiring. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Wahoo--art time! :D Very glad to hear it! Deb

P.S. I've ridden a motorcycle for years! I have the tail pipe to the calf scar to prove it. :}
Note: never wear shorts on a motorcycle.

I am such a straight arrow, every one is surprised that I ride. You should see the faces at church when I climb off the back of the bike, take my helmet off and they realize it is me! lol.

There have been times when I think I rode just for that little bit of shock. I'm a wild one, I am. lol.

Retta said...

I'm sorry to hear about your brother being terminally ill. If you mentioned it before, I must have missed it.

In this case, it's all been said...he knows, you know. I think it's the kindest thing to just love him now. And that is a very powerful thing... who knows the effect that will have on him.

Unconditional love is powerful.

Fiona said...

Healthy attitude :)

carla said...

I too had missed somehow the fact your brother was ill.

you are such an example to all of us of living mindfully and healthfully with so many curveballs lobbed your way.

xo xo


Anonymous said...

Like the others, I have missed it somewhere that your brother is terminally ill. I am sorry to read this.

On the flip side, I love your attitude on things Chris!

Tammy said...

Well Good Lord...I didn't even realize it was your brother that was ill...I thought you were talking about 2 different people...your brother, and a friend perhaps? How awful.

I have to be VERY careful about what I post on my blog in the way of opinions, and especially those of the political nature. I'm WAY too opinionated and sometimes it's incredibly hard to keep my opinions to myself. Especially over this mosque business. As far as the Quran-burning goes....I agree with the thought behind it...but the action is unacceptable and completely wrong. It embarasses me that he calls himself a Christian...and a pastor to boot!! Makes the rest of us look just as wretched when someone does something that stupid in the name of their religion. Kinida' like the idiots that blow up abortion clinics in the name of Christianity.....dang, here I am spewing my opinions now on YOUR blog...sorry dude! lol

Fat Grump said...

Chris, good post.

We are all entitled to our opinions. They are just that, opinions, and we are bound to differ or agree with others. I think you are right in that sometimes, (not always)we just have to know when to button our lips. No good would have come from arguing with your brother. Those aren't the memories you want to hold when he has gone. I am so sorry he is terminally ill. Despite your different outlooks he is still your brother and it must hurt to watch him suffer and know his end is near.

Thinking of you.

Katie J ♥ said...

I think that is a wonderful idea for you to schedule your art time!

M Pax said...

Sorry to read about your brother. It's a tough road.

I lost my sister-in-law to leukemia a few years back. Keep the good things close to heart.

Linda Pressman said...

Wow! What a surprise to pull up your blog today and find Hatikva playing! I'm blown away! You're awesome, Chris.

I've re-embraced my art too - I do mosaics, but kind of canvas portraiture with them.

At Rosh Hashana services, and since I don't understand the Hebrew, I was reading other parts of the Torah book, specifically the Akedah, or the Binding of Isaac and I was taken by Abraham saying three times in that passage, "Here I am," which in Hebrew is "Hineni." I thought how important it is to stand up and be counted as "here."

Linda Pressman said...

Wow! What a surprise to pull up your blog today and find Hatikva playing! I'm blown away! You're awesome, Chris.

I've re-embraced my art too - I do mosaics, but kind of canvas portraiture with them.

At Rosh Hashana services, and since I don't understand the Hebrew, I was reading other parts of the Torah book, specifically the Akedah, or the Binding of Isaac and I was taken by Abraham saying three times in that passage, "Here I am," which in Hebrew is "Hineni." I thought how important it is to stand up and be counted as "here."

Kim said...
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Sparkler said...

I just have so much respect for you Chris, you're intelligent, compassionate and you treat others with respect always. I personally love hearing other peoples opinions and their reasons for holding them, it's one of my fave type of conversations even or maybe especially if I don't hold the same ones myself...it gives you a new perspective on life and a better understanding of someone elses view point. I for one am not threatened by an opposing view especially if they treat my opinions with respect also.